Conference News

A Newly Revised and More Flexible Conference Refund Policy is Now in Place

A Newly Revised and More Flexible Conference Refund Policy is Now in Place

July 2, 2020 | Susan Boxer Kappel

During these challenging times of Coronavirus, we understand the apprehension about making plans to attend a conference which may require air travel and a hotel stay—and is still four months away. As previously communicated, in response to the feedback we are receiving from our members, we are developing plans to ensure that everyone will have an opportunity to participate in the AATA 2020 Conference in some shape or form, be it in person or virtually.

Now More Than Ever We Need Collective Healing: AATA’s 2020 Conference Plans

Now More Than Ever We Need Collective Healing: AATA’s 2020 Conference Plans

June 9, 2020 | Susan Boxer Kappel

The recent events following the killing of George Floyd have yet again opened a deep wound of racial injustice in our country. We are all mourning and grasping at ways to contribute to solutions. As a community of art therapists, we have been at the frontlines of helping clients and communities to cope with Mr. Floyd’s horrific death, while at the same time still reeling from the death and separation caused by Covid-19.

Now More Than Ever We Need Collective Healing: AATA’s 2020 Conference Plans

In-Person Conference, Virtual—or Both: We’re Planning for Every Contingency

May 19, 2020 | Susan Boxer Kappel

During these challenging times of Coronavirus, we understand the apprehension about making plans to attend a conference which may require air travel and a hotel stay—and is still five months away. Given the feedback we are receiving from our members, we are developing plans to ensure that everyone will have an opportunity to participate in the AATA 2020 Conference in some shape or form, be it in person or virtually.

Now More Than Ever We Need Collective Healing: AATA’s 2020 Conference Plans

Collective Healing at AATA’s 51st Annual Conference

May 6, 2020 | Susan Boxer Kappel

During these challenging times of coronavirus, we are all looking forward to an opportunity to see our colleagues and friends again. At the AATA’s 51st Annual Conference to be held October 29 to November 1, 2020, we will strive to provide a healing and rejuvenating atmosphere to work through the trauma and isolation we have all experienced during the past few months, including a special plenary on collective healing. Early bird registration is now open!

Announcing our Conference Keynote Speaker and the Opening of Early Bird Registration!

Announcing our Conference Keynote Speaker and the Opening of Early Bird Registration!

April 9, 2020 | Susan Boxer Kappel

We invite you to attend the American Art Therapy Association’s 51st Annual Conference to be held in Washington, DC, October 29 to November 1, 2020. Early bird registration is now open, and we have a lot of news to share, from our keynote speaker to new flexible child care and cancellation policies, to local announcements, so read on!

Save the Date for the AATA’s 51st Annual Conference, Art Therapy in the Nation’s Capital: Advancing Mental Health

Save the Date for the AATA’s 51st Annual Conference, Art Therapy in the Nation’s Capital: Advancing Mental Health

February 26, 2020 | Susan Boxer Kappel

Save the Date for the AATA’s 51st Annual Conference, Art Therapy in the Nation’s Capital: Advancing Mental Health, to be held in Washington, DC, October 29 to November 1, 2020. Once again AATA will include daily and two-day registration packages to help all attendees balance their personal and professional schedules! Early Bird registration will open on Thursday, April 2nd. Stay tuned for more announcements. Remember that registering early ensures the best selection of workshops, and advanced practice courses, as well as the lowest rates possible! Learn more about this exciting location.

Missed the first Virtual Conference? Now’s your chance, join us in February!

Missed the first Virtual Conference? Now’s your chance, join us in February!

February 13, 2020 

If you weren’t able to join us for our first Virtual Conference in December, we’d love to have you join us for an encore presentation of the event on Saturday, February 29, 2020! It’s a great opportunity to learn something new, build connections with fellow attendees, and earn continuing education clock hours—all from the comfort of home.

Blog Series: Breaking the Chains of Racial Trauma in Therapy

Blog Series: Breaking the Chains of Racial Trauma in Therapy

February 13, 2020 | Gwendolyn Short

In recognition of Black History Month, it’s my pleasure to introduce this blog series building on the topics covered during the “Breaking the Chains of Racial Trauma” plenary panel I moderated at AATA’s 50th conference in Kansas City in November of 2019! If you were in attendance, this is an excellent opportunity to revisit the content, and I’m honored to present it to others for the first time.

Undergraduate Call for Posters for AATA 2020 Conference

Undergraduate Call for Posters for AATA 2020 Conference

January 29, 2020

The AATA Education and Conference Committee are pleased to announce the Call for Undergraduate Student Poster sessions for the 2020 Conference to be held October 29 to November 1, 2020, in Washington, DC. Undergraduate students are invited to submit poster proposals to present their scholarly and creative work in their study of art therapy. 

The Call for Proposals for the 2020 AATA Conference is Now Open!

The Call for Proposals for the 2020 AATA Conference is Now Open!

January 15, 2020  | Susan Boxer Kappel

We invite you to submit a proposal to present at the American Art Therapy Association’s 51st Annual Conference to be held in Washington, DC, October 29 to November 1, 2020. The submission deadline is January 31, 2020.
