Thank you for your interest in AATA membership! Our goal is to support you at every stage of your professional journey—whether you’re a student seeking mentorship or a professional looking for advice or support.
Please review the answers to these Frequently Asked Questions, and if you need additional assistance, please email us at
How do I know which membership is right for me?
Review our Membership Categories for full details about different membership levels.
Can I join AATA even though I’m not an art therapist myself?
Yes! While most of our members are art therapists or art therapy students, we welcome individuals and groups from assorted backgrounds including related mental health fields, other creative arts therapies professions, educational institutions, and the arts.
The Associate membership is for individuals who are interested in the field of art therapy but have not completed graduate-level training and are not practicing art therapists. The Affiliate membership is for organizations and institutions that are allied with AATA’s goals and want to expend membership benefits to their own members, students, or employees.
I recently joined AATA. Why haven’t I received a paper copy of the Art Therapy Journal?
All members maintain full access to current and archived issues of the Journal online and can retrieve a digital version of the publication through the “Professional Development” section of MyAATA. To access electronically, please log in and click on “Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association” under the “RESEARCH” section to access the electronic, archived journals.
Physical copies of the Journal are mailed quarterly. If you would like to receive a physical copy of the journal, you must update your preference on your MyAATA profile. Click the “Account” tab, then click “Personal Info”. Your journal preference will be available to change on a drop down menu in the section. For help with this, please email Student memberships and International memberships do not receive the Journal in the mail.

When does my membership expire?
You can verify your membership period by logging in to MyAATA and viewing your membership information on the “Overview” page. Those with monthly memberships may see an “Open Balance” for the following month’s dues, which you may pay if you wish.
Contact for more information about the terms of monthly membership.
I am a student member. How can I get student liability insurance?
Any student member of AATA can add on a Student Liability Insurance subscription to their membership at any time. All you have to do is click the purple Subscription button on your MyAATA profile, and select the Student Liability Insurance option, then proceed to checkout.
How do I get added to the MyAATA member directory or the Art Therapist Locator?
There are two different directories: The MyAATA member directory is only for members to view and connect with each other. The Art Therapist Locator is a search feature that allows the public to find a credentialed art therapist by location.
To edit your information/opt into the MyAATA directory please email
To be included in the Art Therapist Locator, please login to your MyAATA profile and click on the Professional Development link. Then scroll down under “Career Center” and click on “Members must complete this form to be included on the locator”. Please email if you have further questions.

How do I access my Student Liability Insurance certificate?
To access your Student Liability Insurance certificate please login to your member profile and click on the “Overview” tab.
From there you will find a pink button that says “Insurance Certificate” on the right-hand side of the page. After clicking on the Insurance button, you can print or save as a PDF file.

How can I post a job posting? Can I share it on the MyAATA Member Community?
We do not allow job listings to be posted to the MyAATA member community. However, we do offer 30-day and 60-day job posting opportunities on our Art Therapy Career Center. For help posting a job to the Career Center, please contact Members get a discount!
How do I change my address or contact information?
After logging in to MyAATA, you can update your address and/or contact information from the “Account” tab under “Contact Info”. To the right of your current address information, click on the blue edit icon to update your information. Remember to save your changes before exiting.
Please contact if you are unable to login, or do not receive an email to reset your password.
How do I pay the fee for my ATR or ATR-BC?
The maintenance of art therapy credentials is handled by the Art Therapy Credentials Board (ATCB), a separate organization from the American Art Therapy Association. They can be reached at 877-213-2822 or 336-482-2858. Their website is
Do you offer Closed Captioning?
Yes! AATA uses Google Chrome Live Caption for its closed captioning software. Click here for more information.