Antiracist and Anti-Oppressive Publishing Practices in Art Therapy Journal
May 20, 2021 | Art Therapy Journal Editor, Associate Editors, and Advisory Board
As part of the American Art Therapy Association’s (AATA) broader Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative, Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association is incorporating a range of antiracist and anti-oppressive publishing practices. We began by intentionally recruiting reviewers who hold various identities – racial, cultural, ethnic, religious, sexual orientation, gender/gender identity, disability, and others. We are always looking for new reviewers to join our ad-hoc pool so that people can be ready to join the full review board.
Moments of Connection in Art Therapy with My Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Clients
May 17, 2021 | Miki Goerdt
As May is Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month, I have been reflecting on my work with AANHPI clients. I am an East Asian immigrant, a Japanese art therapist, and a clinical social worker. I am sharing several stories from sessions with my AANHPI clients, hoping that they give you some understanding of AANHPI clients’ lived experiences.
Nancy Schoebel Distinguished Legislative Service Award: Call for 2021 Nominations
May 6, 2021 I Elizabeth Hlavek
The American Art Therapy Association has opened the call for nominations for the Nancy Schoebel Distinguished Legislative Award. Nancy Schoebel was an inspiring art therapist and a vigorous advocate of art therapy at the local and national levels who made enduring contributions to the field through her advocacy work. The deadline for nominations is June 15, 2021. Please learn more about the selection criteria and nominate your colleague directly on MyAATA.
Study Funded by 2018 AATA Research Seed Grant Published in the Journal of Community Psychology
May 6, 2021
We are pleased to share that the article, “Working around the border: Shared experiences of art therapists working with families impacted by immigration and political realities in Mexico and the United States” was recently published in the Journal of Community Psychology.
From Art Therapists to Advocates: Achieving Art Therapy Licensure in Tennessee
May 6, 2021 | Paige Scheinberg & Catherine Harris
“We did it, y’all! We passed the Senate and the House… and, now, the Governor has signed our bill. We now have an Art Therapy License in Tennessee!!” Now, we’re here to support YOU! Whether you have just started with advocacy and legislative efforts in your own state or you have been at it for a while, we hope some of our experiences and lessons learned along the way will help energize and inspire you to keep doing the incredible work you’re doing.
2021 Conference Update
May 6, 2021
Thank you to all who submitted a conference proposal this year. All authors will be notified of the program decisions by May 21st. We continue to monitor the status of the Covid-19 Pandemic and the restrictions for holding in-person meetings at our conference location in San Diego. We appreciate everyone who participated in the recent survey about their plans to attend. As always, the safety and well-being of our members, conference attendees and volunteers is our primary concern and focus. We are planning to decide about the in-person event before we open early bird registration on July 1, so that all attendees will know what type of event they are registering for. As we have communicated before, regardless of whether we are able to hold an in-person conference, we do plan to also offer a virtual conference.
Announcing A New Virtual Learning Opportunity on May 22nd: Exploring Art Therapy Assumptions through the Lens of Neuroscience
April 22, 2021 | Kat Michel
The American Art Therapy Association is pleased to announce a new virtual learning offering which includes artmaking and will provide attendees with two credits of continuing education. We invite you to join us on May 22nd at 2:00 pm Eastern Time for a virtual session, Exploring Art Therapy Assumptions through the Lens of Neuroscience, presented by Christianne Strang, PhD, ATR-BC, CEDCAT-S.
BREAKING NEWS: Art Therapy Licensure is Official Law in Tennessee
April 22, 2021
We are thrilled to announce that Governor Bill Lee signed SB 101 on April 20, 2021, officially enacting the Professional Art Therapist License in Tennessee! The law will take effect July 1st, 2021. AATA congrats the Tennessee Art Therapy Association (TATA) and Tennessee’s art therapists! Tennessee is the 19th state to recognize art therapy through licensure or title protection, and the 11th to enact a specialized art therapy license.
2021 Honors: Introducing the Outstanding Applied Creative Practice Award
April 20, 2021 | Erin Partridge
This year, a new honor has been added to AATA’s annual awards that recognizes an art therapist (or current art therapy student) who has made remarkable creative contributions to the profession of art therapy as an active artist. I am pleased to announce the Outstanding Applied Creative Practice Award inspired by the life and work of art therapist, artist, author, and puppet maker, Dr. Lani Gerity Glanville.
How to Design an Undergraduate Art Therapy Internship Course: Join the Discussion
April 22, 2021 | AATA Undergraduate Subcommittee
The AATA Undergraduate Subcommittee invites art therapy educators to participate in a discussion forum on Wednesday, June 9th, at 1:00-2:00pm EST. Heather Denning and Jonathan Haag will co-facilitate our discussion on thoughts and considerations about the UG internship course. Contact Ashley Hartman for more information: ahartman@marywood.edu.