Membership News

Final Results of 2018 AATA Annual Election
September 20, 2018
The results of the 2018 Annual Election are in! A warm congratulations to all those who were newly elected and reelected to the following positions:
Treasurer: Nadia Paredes, ATR, LMFT
Speaker, Assembly of Chapters: Elizabeth Hlavek, ATR-BC, LCPAT
Board of Directors:
– Louvenia Jackson, PhD, MFT, ATR
– Girija Kaimal, EdD, MA, ATR
– Lisa Wasserman, PsyD, ATR-BC, ATCS
Nominating Sub-Committee: Gaelynn P. Wolf Bordonaro, PhD, ATR-BC
Honorary Life Member: Cheryl Doby-Copeland, PhD, ATR-BC, LPC, LMFT

What’s the Buzz? The Latest Discussion on the MyAATA Community
September 6, 2018
Since launching the MyAATA Community last month, we’ve heard members weigh in on topics ranging from licensure to mentorship, research, professional identity, and beyond. If you’re a member and haven’t joined the discussion yet, now is your chance to connect with fellow members for discussion, guidance, or inspiration.

Join the Discussion – the New MyAATA Community is Now Online
August 9, 2018
Your MyAATA Community is here—come join the discussion! This week the AATA launched its online forum where members can explore, network, and engage with each other and with industry experts throughout the year.

Discount on Art Supplies: AATA Members Receive 25% off all AEM Hi Arts Products!
August 9, 2018
Do you find yourself constantly shopping for art materials to use with clients? Maybe you have an end-of-summer art project to complete. You’re in luck! AATA members now receive a 25% discount on all AEM Hi Arts products. Login to MyAATA and look under “Funding & Art Supplies” to find the exclusive AATA member discounts.

AATA Elections Now Open! (August 1-31, 2018)
August 2, 2018
All voting members are encouraged to participate in the election of volunteer leadership positions with the American Art Therapy Association. Voting opened Wednesday, August 1 and will remain open until Friday, August 31 at 11:59 p.m. (EDT). All voting members should have received an e-mail from Association Voting with instructions to cast an online vote. If you have not received this message and you have questions about the voting process or would prefer to receive a paper ballot, please contact the AATA National Office via phone (888-290-0878) or e-mail (

Save the Date: New MyAATA Online Member Community Opens August 8
August 2, 2018
We are excited to announce the launch of the online MyAATA Community forum on Wednesday, August 8th! The MyAATA Community is a platform for members to explore, network, and engage with each other and with industry experts throughout the year. We invite you to login to MyAATA beginning next Wednesday to join with your colleagues in building this new community. Hope to see you there!

Editor in Chief Sought for Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association
August 2, 2018
The American Art Therapy Association seeks applications for the position of Editor of Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association. The journal is a peer-reviewed scholarly publication which has a readership comprised of educators, practitioners, and students. Its mission is to inform the readership of research, recent innovations, and critical issues related to art therapy. Deadline for nominations or applications is no later than September 30, 2018.

Nominating Committee Presents the 2018 Candidate Slate
July 12, 2018 | By Gioia Chilton
The Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the 2018 election slate for leadership positions for the American Art Therapy Association. The AATA Board of Directors and the Nominating Committee extend their collective gratitude to the individuals represented on this year’s ballot for their willingness to serve the Association. In support of AATA’s mission and critical strategic priorities, the Board and the Nominating Committee remain committed to increasing diverse representation across all volunteer positions. All individuals nominated for a volunteer position have been asked to run for this election.

Have a Summer Reading List? AATA Members Get 30% Discount on Routledge Books
June 21, 2018
AATA members interested in adding classic and recent art therapy literature to their summer reading can now get a 30% discount and free global shipping on all titles through Routledge. Login to MyAATA to retrieve your discount code and browse a selection of new and recent books curated just for AATA members.
Not a member? Renew or join today!
New Scholarship Opportunity – Irene Rosner David Medical Art Therapy Scholarship
June 7, 2018
The American Art Therapy Association and its generous donor will provide a new scholarship opportunity this year for AATA’s student members. Application are being accepted now through July 1 for the Irene Rosner David Medical Art Therapy Scholarship. This scholarship focuses on the role of the medical art therapist. Please see MyAATA for more information and the full application. Questions can be directed to the National Office: