September 6, 2018

Since launching the MyAATA Community last month, we’ve heard members weigh in on topics ranging from licensure to mentorship, research, professional identity, and beyond. If you’re a member and haven’t joined the discussion yet, now is your chance to connect with fellow members for discussion, guidance, or inspiration.

Take a look at some of the most recent topics:

Advocating for Yourself and Your Profession

Whether in the workplace or efforts involving art therapy licensure, art therapists are often called upon to discuss and educate about the art therapy profession. Members share resources and approaches for navigating these situations. Reply

Art Therapy and Music Therapy Collaborations

For art therapists who have worked alongside music therapists, what ideas or practices have you found to be most successful? Reply


What do you seek in a mentoring relationship, and what can both the Mentors and the Mentees do to ensure that the relationship is successful? Reply

Think you might have something to share? Login to MyAATA today and post your thoughts, resources, or experiences.

Follow this checklist to get started!

The MyAATA community is accessible to AATA members. Renew or join today to participate.

