Membership News

2019 Call for Applications and Nominations: Celebrating Leadership, Excellence, and Advancement in Art Therapy
March 21, 2019
The American Art Therapy Association champions individual members who are making an impact in our profession and community. Every year we recognize members who are elevating the field, and we support the next generation of art therapists who will transform the profession.

Update on Volume 35 of AATA Journal & 3 Month’s Free Access to Journal of Creativity in Mental Health
February 28, 2019
Due to technical difficulties with our publisher’s typesetter, Volume 35(3) and Volume 35(4) were delayed at the end of last year and beginning of this year. The journals are on their way, and we anticipate that these technical issues have been resolved so that the publication schedule for the 2019 issues will proceed as expected. Currently, articles from Volume 35(3) can be accessed online.

AATA’s first-ever “Ask Me Anything” featuring Dr. Cheryl Doby-Copeland
February 14, 2019
We are honored and delighted to have Dr. Cheryl Doby-Copeland join us for our first-ever AATA Ask-Me-Anything (AMA)! With over 43 years of experience as a clinical art therapist, Dr. Doby-Copeland has exemplified leadership in the field, mentorship for students and new professionals, and commitment to providing art therapy services for underserved or marginalized clients.

AATA Sends Letter to Second Lady Reaffirming Inclusivity
February 6, 2019
We have heard and share concerns expressed by some of our members regarding the discriminatory admissions and hiring policies at the Immanuel Christian School, where Karen Pence has recently returned to work as an art teacher.

Introducing AATA’s New Collaboration with SimplePractice
January 24, 2019
The American Art Therapy Association is pleased to announce a new collaboration with SimplePractice, a comprehensive digital practice management platform tailored for health and wellness professionals, including art therapists. We look forward to working together to help our members simplify, build, and grow their practices.

Celebrating the Accomplishments of 2018
December 20, 2018
With 2018 coming to a close, we’d like to take this opportunity to share some collective accomplishments we’ve made to support and advance the profession. Below we’ve highlighted gains and improvements in the membership experience, public awareness, legislation, accreditation, and broad collaborations.

Preliminary Findings from 2016 AATA Membership Survey
December 12, 2018 | By David Elkins and Sarah Deaver
The American Art Therapy Association conducted its most recent membership survey in September, 2016 in order to collect membership demographics and other aspects pertinent to the art therapy field. This brief report is intended to provide an updated and concise commentary on the results, prior to the membership survey planned for 2019.

Looking for a Way to Earn Continuing Education and Expand Your Knowledge?
December 5, 2018
The American Art Therapy Association’s Institute for Continuing Education (ICE/AT) is available 24/7 and offers a robust catalog of courses from prominent and well-respected art therapists, researchers, authors, and educators. AATA’s ICE/AT includes courses in Assessment, Multiculturalism, Ethics, Trauma, Supervision, Professional Practice, and so much more!

AATA Board of Directors Announces Updates to the Strategic Plan
September 27, 2018
The American Art Therapy Association (AATA) undertook an organization-wide strategic planning process in 2015 from which the Board of Directors (BOD) determined core priority areas and approved 3-year key performance goals. The AATA staff, committees, and working groups use this document to develop annual work plans.

Share Your Questions and Input for the Neuroscience and Art Therapy Plenary Session on AATA’s Online Open Forum
September 27, 2018 | By Heidi Tournoux-Hanshaw
The Saturday Morning Plenary presenters at this year’s AATA Conference in Miami, FL invite you to provide questions and share areas of interest to help inform their presentation scheduled for Saturday, November 3, from 8:15 to 9:45 a.m. by participating in a dedicated online Open Forum discussion available in MyAATA. The presentation, Building for Tomorrow: Conversations in Neuroscience, Art and Related Therapies consists of a panel of art therapy and neuroscience experts who will discuss how neuroscience informs clinical practice in art therapy and the creative arts therapies and why a “brain-based perspective” matters.