Membership News

2021 Pearlie Roberson Annual Award

2021 Pearlie Roberson Annual Award

April 15, 2021 | Craig Siegel

Members of the AATA are encouraged to apply for the Pearlie Roberson Annual Scholarship Award, honoring Pearlie Roberson, an African American artist and art therapy client. The award provides financial support for work undertaken by a student or professional member of AATA, which targets multicultural aspects and capacities of art therapy in the community. The application deadline is May 1, 2021.

Consider Applying for a 2021 Research Grant or Award

Consider Applying for a 2021 Research Grant or Award

April 7, 2021 | Jill McNutt

Opportunities to participate in research and learn more about the status of evidence-based practice in art therapy include, annual research grants and awards, paper and panel presentations at the annual conference and a student poster presentation that includes both graduate and undergraduate contributions. Research awards and grants are offered annually to members of the AATA. Current and upcoming applications can be found at 2021 Award Schedule on MyAATA. 

2021 Scholarship Application Call: Imagine Yourself as an Awardee!

2021 Scholarship Application Call: Imagine Yourself as an Awardee!

April 8, 2021

The call for applications for AATA scholarships closes on May 1, 2021, so you still have time! The benefits of receiving a scholarship extend beyond dollars and cents. When you receive a national scholarship from the AATA, you experience increased networking opportunities from peers and colleagues. When you receive a national scholarship from the AATA, you experience increased networking opportunities from peers and colleagues. Read on to learn about how some of the recipients of 2020 scholarships benefitted from their award and imagine yourself as an awardee in 2021.

New 2021 Member Demographics Report Available Now

New 2021 Member Demographics Report Available Now

March 19, 2021

AATA’s new 2021 Member Demographics Report is now available online! This report is intended to be a current, shareable snapshot of the AATA membership community and contains information collected through February 9, 2021.

2021 Call for Applications and Nominations

2021 Call for Applications and Nominations

March 11, 2021

The American Art Therapy Association celebrates individual members who are making an impact in our profession and community.  Every year we recognize members who are elevating the field, and we support the next generation of art therapists who will transform the profession. This is your opportunity to honor colleagues and recognize the unsung heroes and visionaries of the field or take the next step in your career by applying for a scholarship. 

About our Members: AATA At A Glance 2021

About our Members: AATA At A Glance 2021

February 10, 2020

Thank you for being a part of AATA! This infographic is only a snapshot of our members’ involvement to elevating the art therapy profession. We hope it’ll inspire others to get involved and connect. See you at the next member meeting or on MyAATA!

About our Members: AATA At A Glance 2021

January Update on the AATA’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Listening Sessions

January 28, 2021 | Gretchen M. Miller

Thank you to everyone who participated in and helped promote the DEI Committee’s Listening Session series over the last couple of months!  Twelve groups were facilitated by The Ivy Planning Group.  Throughout this series over 100 art therapists, art therapy students, AATA members, and non-members participated, contributing feedback about their experiences and views related to DEI in the art therapy field and within the AATA.

A Note of Gratitude and Renewal for the New Year

A Note of Gratitude and Renewal for the New Year

December 17, 2020 | Kat Michel

It’s been a year like no other. As we count down to the beginning of 2021, I just wanted to take the time to express my gratitude for this community, for our chapters, and for all the members who joined together in AATA to support each other during the challenging times of the past year.
