Conference News
Time to Register for AATA’s 52nd Annual Conference
September 9, 2021
We are 6 weeks away from AATA’s 52nd Annual conference! The virtual program offers more than 100 hours of educational sessions over 4 days of exceptional programming. It is not too late to get involved: we are also calling for volunteers to facilitate morning sessions. Visit to view the full program, including four exciting plenary sessions. Register now!
Early Bird Rate Ends on Aug 31 for AATA’s Annual Conference
Early Bird ends on Aug. 31st! If you are planning to attend the AATA’s conference this year, register by August 31st for the early bird rates. Register online, download the registration form to register by fax, or call the office during business hours at (888)290-0878 or (703)548-5860.
Announcing our Featured Keynote Presenter, Yassmin Abdel-Magied!
August 9, 2021 | Susan Boxer Kappel
We are pleased to announce our featured keynote presenter, Yassmin Abdel-Magied, a Sudanese-Australian writer, broadcaster, and award-winning social advocate with a background in mechanical engineering. One of the 2020 LinkedIn Changemakers, Yassmin is a globally sought-after advisor on issues of social justice, focused on the intersections of race, gender and faith. Don’t forget that early bird registration is open through August 31st – so be sure to register before the cut-off to save! Going completely virtual this year means there’s no need to worry about extra expenses for travel and concerns about health or safety, because you will be able to join art therapy colleagues from around the world in the comfort and safety of your own home.
AATA’s 52nd Annual Conference is Going All Virtual: Early Bird Is Now Open!
July 15, 2021
After an intensive review of the 2021 Annual Conference we have concluded that our best and safest approach this year is to go completely virtual. Our primary priority is the safety and well-being of our members, attendees, and volunteers. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we completed this important decision-making process.
2021 Conference Update
July 1, 2021
Thank you for your responses and input on the in-person conference surveys! We are planning to open registration on July 15, 2021. We have continued to monitor the status of the COVID-19 pandemic, and regardless of whether we are able to hold an in-person conference, we do plan to also offer a virtual conference.
2021 Conference Update
May 6, 2021
Thank you to all who submitted a conference proposal this year. All authors will be notified of the program decisions by May 21st. We continue to monitor the status of the Covid-19 Pandemic and the restrictions for holding in-person meetings at our conference location in San Diego. We appreciate everyone who participated in the recent survey about their plans to attend. As always, the safety and well-being of our members, conference attendees and volunteers is our primary concern and focus. We are planning to decide about the in-person event before we open early bird registration on July 1, so that all attendees will know what type of event they are registering for. As we have communicated before, regardless of whether we are able to hold an in-person conference, we do plan to also offer a virtual conference.
Introducing LaToya Pegram, Conference Special Sessions Chair
April 21, 2021
I find that now more than before people are welcoming the idea of mental wellness. Whether people are being forced to connect within home or through extensive hours on screen, the pandemic has motivated many to self-reflect on values, goals, and loved ones. People have tapped into innovative and creative ideas that sparked new business ventures and ways to acquire one’s goals. The creation and exploration of genograms has been a preferred directive especially during this time as it not only teaches patterns of behavior but also provides insight to provoke awareness.
Sharing Poster Sessions from the 2020 AATA Conference
March 11, 2021 | Susan Boxer Kappel
When we pivoted our 2020 in-person conference last year to an all virtual event, there were some categories of sessions that we were not able to include in the program, so we invited the Poster Session presenters to provide us with a revised digital version of their accepted proposals. We are pleased to be able to share a collection of several of the sessions in a digital format with you. Just a reminder that if you want to submit a proposal for the AATA’s 52nd Annual Conference to be held at the San Diego, CA this fall, please do so by March 25th.
2021 Conference Theme & Call for Volunteers
February 25, 2021 | Susan Boxer Kappel
The Conference Committee is taking applications for a new position, Special Sessions Chair (deadline 3/8) and calling for proposal reviewers for our fall conference. We are also thrilled to announce this year’s theme, Reconnecting and Visualizing Future Pathways for Art Therapy in a Diverse Society!
Undergraduate Call for Posters for AATA 2021 Conference
February 25, 2021
The AATA Education and Conference Committee are pleased to announce the Call for Undergraduate Student Poster sessions for the 2021 Conference to be held October 28 to October 30, 2021, in San Diego, CA. Undergraduate Poster proposals must be submitted electronically no later than April 30, 2021. Undergraduate students are invited to submit poster proposals to present their scholarly and creative work in their study of art therapy.