Celebrating the 2023 AATA Art Therapy Award Recipients!
We were delighted to present AATA’s annual awards and scholarships in person at this year’s 2023 annual conference in San Diego, as well as virtually during our Annual Meeting of the Membership. Congratulations to this year’s winners for their outstanding work and championing the art therapy profession.
2021 Multicultural Quilt
November 27, 2023 | By LaToya Pegram (Kinard) MAC, MAAT, LPC, LPAT, ATR-BC I'm proud to share with you a virtual presentation of the 2021 Healing Quilt assembled by the AATA Multicultural Committee through digital submissions during the Covid-19 pandemic.

2023 Member Art Exhibition
We are so proud to present the 2023 Member Art Exhibition. The exhibition was displayed throughout AATA2023, the in-person conference in San Diego.

Trauma & Workplace Bullying Virtual Session, 11/18
Join us for a virtual session about the all-too-common trauma of workplace bullying, Nov. 18, 2023.

Where Can I get my CEUs? How to Access Your CEUs from AATA’s 2023 Conference in San Diego

Artful Connections 2023 Schedule
Check out the schedule for our first ever art therapy and technology summit, Dec. 2, 2023.

AATA2023 Multicultural Quilt
The Multicultural Committee is hosting an auction for the quilt completed at the AATA2023 conference. The proceeds support the Pearlie Roberson Scholarship Award Fund and/or other Multicultural Committee endeavors.

Integrating Art Therapy in Museums: Bridging the Gap between Isolation to Community Connection
The museum visit, paired with art-making, provides participants with an elevation of their museum experience, especially those who report rarely making or creating art themselves. What I have observed through my project on integrating art therapy in a museum was how connecting different community members over art-making fosters group cohesion as a sense of belonging in a museum.

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month 2023
This Hispanic Heritage Month, we want to share the art created by five inspiring Latina/o/xs art therapists and profile the work they do in support of their clients and communities they serve. Click on each AATA Member’s image to read their full Feature Member profile.

A Message of Support from AATA
To our AATA community: We are deeply heartbroken by last weekend’s horrifying events, and the ongoing tragedy unfolding in Israel and Gaza. The stories we are hearing, and images and videos we are seeing, are appalling. Our breathlessness is a sign that we have not lost our humanity. Our hope is that we see an end to the distress and suffering soon.