Membership News

In Tribute to Gladys Agell

In Tribute to Gladys Agell

September 3, 2019

The art therapy community lost a champion when Gladys Agell, PhD, ATR-BC, HLM passed away on Sunday, June 16, 2019. Dr. Agell was the AATA’s 9th President (1983-1985) and was awarded Honorary Life Membership in 1986 in recognition for her outstanding and pioneering contributions to the Association and to the profession as a clinician, educator, researcher, and editor.

Have You Voted?

Have You Voted?

August 22, 2019

Elections will soon close. Get your vote in today! To ensure that the AATA community fully and fairly represents our members, we need broad engagement from you in the elections process. The AATA’s Board of Directors should truly represent your interests, your needs, and your clients – so make sure that your voice is heard by participating in the annual elections.

Have You Voted?

Have Your Voice Heard: Vote in AATA’s Elections

August 8, 2019

Elections are open. Get your vote in today!  To ensure that the AATA community fully and fairly represents our members, we need broad engagement from you in the elections process. The AATA’s Board of Directors should truly represent your interests, your needs, and your clients – so make sure that your voice is heard by participating in the annual elections. Information about online voting has been released, and elections are open now through August 31, 2019. Read on for FAQ’s on the voting process.

Two Topics on MyAATA: Art Therapy with Displaced People and Ethics in Digital Media

Two Topics on MyAATA: Art Therapy with Displaced People and Ethics in Digital Media

August 7, 2019

There’s always something new to learn on the MyAATA forum! This month we’re featuring two special opportunities to engage with other members and experts on best practices, new perspectives, and research. Join the online conversation on art therapy with displaced populations with Dr. Essam Daod and panel of experts, in advance of his keynote address at the AATA’s 50th Anniversary Conference.  You won’t want to miss our second Journal Chat on informed consent and digital literacy to learn about the latest in ethics and digital media!

Have You Voted?

Mark Your Calendar — AATA Elections Open Next Week

July 24, 2019

Vote! It’s easy, it’s online, and takes just a minute. Professional members of the Association are encouraged to vote in the upcoming election, which opens August 1 and runs through August 31, 2019. The Candidate Slate, available on MyAATA, gives biographies and Q&A for those running for two-year term (2019-2021) volunteer and officer positions with the AATA.

Introducing the MyAATA Journal Chat! This Month: Psychosocial Support in Palliative Care

Introducing the MyAATA Journal Chat! This Month: Psychosocial Support in Palliative Care

July 10, 2019

Let’s talk research! Come join our new MyAATA Journal Chat with Jordan Potash, Editor in Chief of Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, and fellow AATA members. We highlight an article, brief report, or viewpoint for forum members to read, pose questions, and discover ways of applying the publication to their own work.

2019 Slate & Elections

2019 Slate & Elections

July 1, 2019

The 2019 election season is here with online voting for the Annual Election commencing August 1. All voting members will receive a notice with voting instructions via e-mail. Find more information about elections and this year’s ballot, including the 2019 Candidate Slate, on MyAATA.

Let’s Get Involved in the AATA’s Elections

Let’s Get Involved in the AATA’s Elections

May 16, 2019 | By Gioia Chilton

“Serving on the board has been great because it has given me the opportunity not only to serve my profession, but it has also given me professional skills I was in need of, such as leadership and business mentality.” – Nadia Paredes, MA, LMFT, ATR,  Board Treasurer. We are accepting nominations for Volunteer Officers and members of the AATA Board of Directors for two-year terms (2019-2021) in the following positions: President-Elect (1), Secretary (1), Board of Directors (3), Nominating Committee (1).

Check Out the Latest Issue of the AATA Journal

Check Out the Latest Issue of the AATA Journal

May 9, 2019 Volume 36, Issue 1 of Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association is now available online. This year, the Journal editorial team seeks to feature three themes in art therapy: The profession’s unique strengths Research-based and...
