Membership News

2020 Election Results are in – Thank You for Voting!
September 24, 2020 | Gioia Chilton
The Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the 2020 election results for leadership positions with the American Art Therapy Association. These newly-elected leaders will be installed after the annual conference and before the end of the year, more information is coming soon. Thank you to everyone who participated in these elections!

2020 Candidate Slate & AATA Elections
August 27, 2020
The 2020 election season is here! Online voting for the Annual Election will commence on August 10. All voting members will receive a notice with voting instructions via e-mail.

A Warm Welcome to AATA’s New Online Student Corner
July 30, 2020
We are so pleased to be able to welcome our members to AATA’s new Student Corner, an online community forum created especially for student involvement. Students are the future of art therapy, and we look forward in being able to share in your insights and discussions about the student experience in art therapy!

Today’s the Last Day — Submit Your Nominations for Volunteer Officers and Directors of the Board
June 18, 2020 | Gioia Chilton
We need leadership that is ready to tackle systemic racism, a global pandemic, and other, as yet unknown, challenges we will be facing in the coming years. Complete your Candidate Applications and Nomination Forms today, June 18, 2020 by midnight EDT.

The Healing Quilt: A Project to Benefit the Pearlie Roberson Scholarship Fund
June 17, 2020 | Multicultural Committee
Coming soon! AATA’s Multicultural Committee is launching a digital art project for which we encourage art therapy professionals, students, local chapters, and graduate and undergraduate programs to contribute a digital copy of an artwork for our project, The Healing Quilt.

Call for Nominations for Volunteer Officers and Directors of the Board
May 20, 2020 | Gioia Chilton
From responding to the global pandemic to moving forward with professional education and licensure, our art therapy association requires an active and engaged Board of Directors. Many of AATA’s members have incredible energy and skills that could benefit our organization. The Nominating Sub-Committee encourages you to bring forward that expertise through the nominations process and through participating in the association’s elections!

Call for Nominations: Nancy Schoebel Distinguished Legislative Service Award
May 7, 2020
The American Art Therapy Association has opened the call for nominations for the Nancy Schoebel Distinguished Legislative Award. Nancy Schoebel was an inspiring art therapist and a vigorous supporter of art therapy at the local, state, and national levels.

Research Awards and More Opportunities to Get Involved in Art Therapy Research
May 7, 2020 | Jill McNutt
The AATA Research Committee is committed to “encouraging, supporting, and promoting a broad base of research that is grounded in diverse methodologies.” Read about the annual research awards and grants offered to AATA members and more opportunities to get involved in Art Therapy research.

Apply for AATA’s 2020 Seed Grant for Art Therapy Clinical Research & Read about the 2018 Recipients’ Work
May 7, 2020 | Girija Kaimal
Thanks to the generosity of our donors, two exciting seed grants to promote art therapy research were funded in 2018. This was a first in the 50 year history of the AATA. Read about these two initial projects, one funded to study art therapy as a treatment for pain and the second to support immigrant and refugee mental at the US/Mexico border. We are delighted to offer another Seed Grant for Art Therapy Clinical Research this year! Find details on the 2020 application process below. If you have an innovative and collaborative research idea, make sure to submit your application by the July 15, 2020 deadline.

Pearlie Roberson Scholarship Applications Due May 1
April 22, 2020 | Craig Siegel
The Multicultural Committee sponsors the annual Pearlie Roberson Scholarship Award, named after an African American artist and art therapy client who requested that the scholarship provide an opportunity to “remember me” and to support efforts to “explore, express, connect…to enhance the multicultural aspects of the therapeutic experience.”