Moments of Connection in Art Therapy with My Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Clients

Moments of Connection in Art Therapy with My Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Clients

May 17, 2021 | Miki Goerdt

As May is Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month, I have been reflecting on my work with AANHPI clients. I am an East Asian immigrant, a Japanese art therapist, and a clinical social worker. I am sharing several stories from sessions with my AANHPI clients, hoping that they give you some understanding of AANHPI clients’ lived experiences. 

From Art Therapists to Advocates: Achieving Art Therapy Licensure in Tennessee

From Art Therapists to Advocates: Achieving Art Therapy Licensure in Tennessee

May 6, 2021 | Paige Scheinberg & Catherine Harris

“We did it, y’all! We passed the Senate and the House… and, now, the Governor has signed our bill. We now have an Art Therapy License in Tennessee!!” Now, we’re here to support YOU! Whether you have just started with advocacy and legislative efforts in your own state or you have been at it for a while, we hope some of our experiences and lessons learned along the way will help energize and inspire you to keep doing the incredible work you’re doing.

Introducing LaToya Pegram, Conference Special Sessions Chair

Introducing LaToya Pegram, Conference Special Sessions Chair

April 21, 2021

I find that now more than before people are welcoming the idea of mental wellness. Whether people are being forced to connect within home or through extensive hours on screen, the pandemic has motivated many to self-reflect on values, goals, and loved ones. People have tapped into innovative and creative ideas that sparked new business ventures and ways to acquire one’s goals. The creation and exploration of genograms has been a preferred directive especially during this time as it not only teaches patterns of behavior but also provides insight to provoke awareness. 

2021 Scholarship Application Call: Imagine Yourself as an Awardee!

2021 Scholarship Application Call: Imagine Yourself as an Awardee!

April 8, 2021

The call for applications for AATA scholarships closes on May 1, 2021, so you still have time! The benefits of receiving a scholarship extend beyond dollars and cents. When you receive a national scholarship from the AATA, you experience increased networking opportunities from peers and colleagues. When you receive a national scholarship from the AATA, you experience increased networking opportunities from peers and colleagues. Read on to learn about how some of the recipients of 2020 scholarships benefitted from their award and imagine yourself as an awardee in 2021.

SURVEY: Reexamining the Impact of Coronavirus on the Art Therapy Profession

SURVEY: Reexamining the Impact of Coronavirus on the Art Therapy Profession

April 6, 2021

In May 2020, art therapists shared their experiences during the pandemic in the American Art Therapy Association’s (AATA) Coronavirus Impact Survey. Our report told the story of art therapists standing on the frontlines of the pandemic while coping with tremendous challenges. Now, a year into the pandemic, we are launching a follow-up survey to assess how art therapists are doing. While our last survey focused on the entire art therapy community (including students and educators), this survey is focused on clinicians’ work with clients.

For Justice, In Solidarity: A Response from Two Emerging Art Therapists to the Rise of Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Violence

For Justice, In Solidarity: A Response from Two Emerging Art Therapists to the Rise of Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Violence

March 22, 2021 | Elisha-Rio P. Apilado and Zachary D. Van Den Berg

Two related but equally concerning trends have emerged during the Coronavirus pandemic in the Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) community: the rise in violence and the rise in mental health care needs. This response blog post is a plea for art therapists to intervene and recognize that our services can have life-or-death consequences, especially for the AANHPI community.

A Sloth Goes to the Hospital: A Children’s Book Helps Young Patients Learn about the Creative Arts Therapies

A Sloth Goes to the Hospital: A Children’s Book Helps Young Patients Learn about the Creative Arts Therapies

March 19, 2021 | Olivia Dobson

Sloth Goes to the Hospital: Introducing the Creative Arts Therapies, introduces the Creative Arts Therapy services at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and promotes normalization of the hospital experience. The storyline of the book is accompanied by my illustrations of Sloth and his interactions with art therapy, music therapy and dance/movement therapy while in the hospital.

New 2021 Member Demographics Report Available Now

New 2021 Member Demographics Report Available Now

March 19, 2021

AATA’s new 2021 Member Demographics Report is now available online! This report is intended to be a current, shareable snapshot of the AATA membership community and contains information collected through February 9, 2021.
