AATA Remembers: In Memoriam 2022
On November 10, 2022, during the ATA In-Person Conference, we looked back in loving memory to those who passed
away this year. They contributed so much to the field of art therapy and to the clients and communities they served.

7 Facts to Know on Veterans Day
November 11, 2022
For art therapists, Veterans Day serves as an opportunity to raise awareness about the mental health of veterans and service members.

Results are In! Announcing AATA’s Newest Leaders, Plus Association Bylaw Changes
November 2, 2022
Thank you to everyone who participated in these elections, especially those of you who ran for a leadership position in support of our association and profession. AATA is thrilled to announce our 2022 election results, as verified by the Teller’s Working Group!

Join the Journal Shared Interest Group at the AATA In-Person Conference!
Whether you’re an aspiring author or a seasoned one, join editorial members of Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association on Friday, Nov. 11, at 2pm, for a Shared Interest Networking Group session at the annual conference in Minneapolis! We will be...

3 Special Opportunities During the 2022 In-Person Conference
Please join us for these special demonstrations at the Annual In-Person Conference! Catch Maggie, the Art Therapy Bus, on Nov. 10th; Franz Spohn from Faber-Castell; and a demo from BLICK Art Materials, both during Exhibit hours Nov. 10 – 12.

Featured Member: Maru Serricchio-Joiner
“I am a Third Culture Kid (TCK)… I would like to think that I invite art therapists, as well as myself, to be curious, open, and a little skeptical about the impact social justice has on our field.”

Join the Multicultural Committee for the Annual Quilt Project During the In-Person Conference
October 28, 2022 | Craig Siegel, ATR-BC, ATCS, Multicultural Committee Chair
The AATA Multicultural Committee will be hosting its annual Quilt Project in the Open Studio during the Annual Conference. Join us in person on Friday, November 11, 2022, from 4 to 5 pm. To reserve your space to participate in this meaningful and collaborative art-making event, click here.

Big News for Art Therapists in New Mexico!
October 28, 2022 | Deborah Good, PhD, HLM, ATR-BC, ATCS, LPAT, LPCC
New Mexico LPATs are now eligible to apply for Medicaid reimbursement as private practitioners. This is a huge victory because, as many of you know, Medicaid approval status sets the standard for all other insurance companies. Art therapists in New Mexico have worked for 28 years to make this happen — and hope all of you will take advantage of this incredible recognition for the art therapy license.

Hispanic Heritage Month 2022 in Review
Thanks to our presenter, AATA Board member Michael Galarraga, our session moderator, AATA President Elect Nadia Paredes, and everyone who attended AATA’s bilingual learning event, Art Therapy: Como si dice?. For those who missed it, the recording is now available On-Demand through our Continuing Education platform.
International Shared Interest Group: Three New Ways to Connect!
October 20, 2022
Are you an International Student or International Professional member of AATA? Did you grow up or currently live outside of the United States? Is a primary part of your practice or research internationally-focused? There are Three New Ways to Connect!