3 Ways for Therapists to Address Barriers to Seeking Therapy

3 Ways for Therapists to Address Barriers to Seeking Therapy

February 25, 2020 | Angela Roman Clack, PhD, LPC   This post is part of the “Breaking the Chains of Racial Trauma in Therapy” blog series in honor of Black History Month, 2020.    I am pleased to participate in this blog series reemphasizing the themes...
Creative Healing Spaces: Healing From Racial Wounds

Creative Healing Spaces: Healing From Racial Wounds

February 24, 2020 | Lindsey Vance, ATR-BC, LPC   This post is part of the “Breaking the Chains of Racial Trauma in Therapy” blog series in honor of Black History Month, 2020.      “In healing, we recognize our common humanity, acknowledge the truth of...
Unpacking the So-Called Art Therapist Character in “Parasite”

Unpacking the So-Called Art Therapist Character in “Parasite”

February 12, 2020 | Clara Keane, AATA National Office Staff Parasite made history during the 2020 Oscars, winning four awards and becoming the first non-English-language film to win best picture, the Academy’s highest honor. This acclaimed playful yet dark satire...
Call To Action: Humanitarian Crisis at the Border

Call To Action: Humanitarian Crisis at the Border

July 10, 2019 One year ago, the AATA joined thousands of people and organizations across the country strongly condemning the Trump Administration’s systematically separating children from their caregivers. While Congress passed a border funding bill last week, which...