January 4, 2024 | AATA President Nadia Paredes, MA, LMFT, ATR
As we enter this New Year, I am honored to begin my service as AATA’s 28th President and continue to build on the progress we’ve made as an association and profession.
I want to begin by congratulating our incoming President-Elect Raquel Farrell-Kirk, ATR-BC and Secretary Michael Galarraga, ATR-BC, as well as newly elected board members: Melissa Hedlund Nelson, PhD, ATR-BC, LCPC, SEP, CADC, Kathryn Snyder, PHD, ATR-BC, LPC, and “Cori” Corinna Costello, PhD, LPC, LCPC, ATR-BC. I look forward to working with our entire Board of Directors.
A bit about myself: I am an artist and art therapist based in both Los Angeles and Mexico City with more than 15 years of experience working in the mental health field. I provide bicultural services to Latinx communities from older immigrants to pregnant adolescents, and more. I also work in corporate wellness as a speaker and workshop facilitator, and an Adjunct Professor and Art Therapy Supervisor at Loyola Marymount University.
I believe that people don’t join associations, they join people. As a long-time AATA volunteer, this association has been the place where I have gone to find inspiration from the people around me. It’s where I connect with people who share my belief in the power of the art – a space where I am reminded that I am not alone.
I’m most passionate about building sustainable, creative communities that open space for collaboration and connection. I strongly believe that AATA is uniquely positioned for growth and by prioritizing accordingly in the coming years, our association can offer invaluable support to the current art therapy community and future professionals.
In that vein, I am proud that our membership amended our association bylaws to extend voting rights to student members, and most recently, to international members. Together, we can advance our profession world-wide, create a more inclusive community, and help build the next generation of art therapy leaders.
To that end, I’m asking for your help:
- If you’re a member, please attend our next All Member Meeting to be held February 28. (Register here). Not yet a member? Please consider joining our community (Find membership options here).
- Join the conversation in the MyAATA Member Community or a virtual Shared Interest Group. (Don’t just lurk, but actively ask and answer questions so we can support each other! Or simply introduce yourself and your expertise.)
- Consider submitting a proposal for a 2024 learning opportunity. This year, we are opening the Call for Proposal for AATA2024, the in-person conference, an upcoming virtual conference, and our Monthly Learning Sessions.

Thank you for giving me this honor to serve as AATA’s President and to work with our amazing volunteer leaders and talented members to advance our profession. At any time, please reach out to me directly at president@arttherapy.org, even if just to introduce yourself. I am sincerely looking forward to engaging with each of you!
Best wishes for the New Year!