
Coping Through Creativity: A Mom’s Story through Childhood Cancer
When my daughter Miley was 11 months old, she was diagnosed with cancer. I immediately immersed myself into her care… And once her treatment was completed, we rang a bell — and it was over. This is the most mind-blowing thing that no one prepares you for. My daughter was cancer free but I was left with battle scars that no one could see. That’s when I turned to art therapy.

Ask Me Anything! Featuring Dr. Cheryl Doby-Copeland
March 6, 2019 | #WeAreArtTherapists
Cheryl Doby-Copeland, PhD, ATR-BC, LPC, LMFT, HLM joins us at the AATA National Office to answer your questions, and talk about her perspectives on art therapy practice, addressing diversity, working with trauma, and more.

Student Art Gallery in Miami International Airport Spreads Awareness for the Role of Art Therapy in Public Schools
November 8, 2018 | Children | Education
Art therapists who traveled from around the world to Miami for the American Art Therapy Association’s 49th Annual Conference received a warm welcome, beginning with their arrival at the Miami International Airport (MIA). In addition to the billboard and signs in the airport welcoming attendees, MIA hosted a gallery of student artwork from the Miami-Dade County Public School’s Clinical Art Therapy Department.

Recapping Mental Health Month 2018
By Clara Keane | May 31, 2018 | Children | Events
Since 1949, America has observed May as Mental Health Awareness Month. Each year as a nation, we double down on the fight against stigma and educate the public, support those struggling with mental illnesses, and promote policies grounded in evidence-based treatment and methods.

Voices of Art Therapy: Children’s Mental Health
By Clara Keane | May 10, 2018 | Children | Trauma | #WeAreArtTherapists
In honor of National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day on May 10, 2018, we are sharing some stories written by art therapists who work with children and adolescents. The art making process allows for expression without words, helps establish safety, creates opportunities for coping, and offers a way to manage feelings, thoughts, and experiences for future exploration and insight.

Appreciating Specialized Instructional Support Personnel: Here’s what this Means for Art Therapists
By Lida Sunderland | April 19, 2018 | Advocacy | Children | Education | #WeAreArtTherapists
April 16-20, 2018 is Specialized Instructional Support Personnel (SISP) Appreciation Week! Check out the Congressional Resolution (H. Res. 823) introduced on April 12th to honor art therapists and other SISP colleagues during this special week.

Good Art: Bad City
By Liz DelliCarpini | February 22, 2018 | Children | Community
In an effort to strengthen the interpersonal and institutional resources available for youth involved in the juvenile justice system, School of Visual Arts’ (SVA) MPS in Art Therapy program has formed a partnership with Artistic Noise, an independent nonprofit that “exists to bring the freedom and power of artistic practice to young people who are incarcerated, on probation, or otherwise involved in the justice system” (“Artistic Noise,” 2018).

How Images and Art Making Help Children’s Mental Health: An Illustrator and Art Therapist Explains
By Clara Keane | July 6, 2017 | Children
Giora Carmi is an art therapist and illustrator of children’s books and other genres. The AATA interviewed him about his experience working with children both as clients in art therapy and as consumers of children’s books. In the following interview, Carmi discussed his book Circle of Friends (Carmi, 2003) in the context of how children can learn empathy through imagery and shared his experiences working with children in art therapy.

Youth Art Exhibition at the United Nations: Images of Identity, Home, and Cultural Exchange
By Clara Keane | June 29, 2017 | Children | Events | International
The AATA warmly congratulates Eileen P. McGann, ATR-BC, LCAT, Director and founder of the Arts and Creative Therapies program at MercyFirst, one of New York’s leading non-profit human service agencies, for her work coordinating a recent youth art exhibition, “Hope Holds No Borders: Children’s Art of Compassion and Inclusion” at the United Nations.

An Expert on School-Based Art Therapy Explains how Art Therapy Helps Children Make Sense of the Insensible
By Clara Keane | May 11, 2017 | Children | Education
During the month of May, starting with the kickoff event on National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the AATA is highlighting topics related to children’s mental health in Art Therapy Today.