Bringing Art to Life through Storytelling

Bringing Art to Life through Storytelling

By Sarah Margaret Wade, LPC, ATR, NCC | April 27, 2016 | About Art Therapy | Community | #WeAreArtTherapists BACK TO THE MAIN BLOG I recently attended a celebratory gala and art show at the University of Alabama to honor five years of Art to Life, a program of art...
Art Therapy and Social Justice at Chicago-based Women’s Shelter

Art Therapy and Social Justice at Chicago-based Women’s Shelter

By Sangeetha Ravichandran, MAAT, ATR, LPC | December 9, 2015 | About Art Therapy | Community | Trauma BACK TO THE MAIN BLOG ApnaGhar, Inc., (“Our Home” in Urdu/Hindi,) provides holistic services, education, and advocacy across immigrant communities to end the...