2021 Call for Applications and Nominations

2021 Call for Applications and Nominations

May 24, 2021 The American Art Therapy Association celebrates individual members who are making an impact in our profession and community.  Every year we recognize members who are elevating the field, and we support the next generation of art therapists who will...
2021 Call for Applications and Nominations

2021 Call for Applications and Nominations

March 11, 2021 The American Art Therapy Association celebrates individual members who are making an impact in our profession and community.  Every year we recognize members who are elevating the field, and we support the next generation of art therapists who will...
2020 Candidate Slate & AATA Elections

2020 Candidate Slate & AATA Elections

August 27, 2020 The 2020 election season is here! Online voting for the Annual Election commenced on August 10. All voting members received a notice with voting instructions via e-mail. Find more information about elections and this year’s ballot, including the 2020...