Featured Member: Gabriela Osorio Fajardo

Featured Member: Gabriela Osorio Fajardo

I have been an AATA member since approximately 2009. I have always learned something deep with my colleages. They all are inspiring and creative people. These are always uplifting experiences!

2024 AATA Member Art Exhibition

2024 AATA Member Art Exhibition

As an AATA member, you have the unique opportunity to display your artwork in the 2024 Member Art Slideshow Exhibition! Please submit images by Sept. 27, 2024

Featured Member: Janet Sgro

Featured Member: Janet Sgro

My ideas are rooted in a strong spiritual foundation that surface through my artwork. I focus my attention on nature, specifically on flowers and the inner glow of their life force. It intrigues me and speaks of the power of God in all living things. This healing life energy provides us all with an innate ability to heal and is a gift that we have been given. Learning to tap into the healing process encompasses my creativity.

Featured Member: Mia Pierce

Featured Member: Mia Pierce

“In such an up-and-coming field there is so much room for new ideas, and I can’t wait to collaborate with the approaches that already exist in art therapy by adding ideas or art forms that might not have been utilized before.” — Mia Pierce, AATA Student Member

Talking About Mental Health at the Olympics

Talking About Mental Health at the Olympics

The 2024 Olympics has moved the conversation about mental health. It also “marks a sea-change in the prioritization of, and dedication to, supporting athletes’ mental health.” Let’s continue the conversation about mental health and help reduce stigma to care even after the games are over. 
