Special Thanks from AATA’s Membership Director (Plus, Enter the Renewal Raffle!)
This time of year always has me reflecting about our association and how much we’ve accomplished this year. I’m so thankful for members like you who truly give meaning to the work I do.

Discounts on Art Therapy Supervision and Ethics CE Sessions Through the End of the Year
Get a jump start on your 2025 Continuing Education core requirements for ethics and supervision! We are offering our exceptional 2023 and 2024 Ethics and Supervision Sessions at a discount through the end of the year. Pick from any of the 11 courses: 6 supervision and 5 ethics!

Featured Member: Kate King
I absolutely love seeing how much art therapy has grown and come into the awareness of the public since I began my art therapy journey in 2007. I can only hope that it continues to evolve and expand for the benefit of the collective both clinical and creative settings. There is such a profound need for the power that art therapy uniquely provides, and I am grateful that it has become such a well respected and recognized field. It is such an honor to be a part of that movement toward health and healing.

How to Claim your CE Credit from AATA2024 Annual Conferences
This year we unveiled a new way to track continuing education (CE) credits at our annual conference in Pittsburgh. Attendees were asked to scan QR codes to check into each session they attended, simplifying the CE credit collection process. Follow the step by step instructions below to claim your CE credit and don’t forget to check out the photos from our annual conference in Pittsburgh!

Honoring Veterans Day, 2024
While art interventions have long been used with veterans and service members, increases in mental health issues make it more important than ever to highlight the work art therapists do to support these communities and their families.

2024 AATA Member Art Exhibition
We are thrilled to share with you AATA’s 2024 Member Art Exhibition! This year, we invited AATA Members to share their artwork related to our AATA2024 conference theme, Building Bridges.

Introducing the AATA2024 Virtual Conference Plenary: The Arts & Health Continuum – A New Perspective
In this plenary session, panelists will discuss how the arts are emerging as the next frontier in health and well-being, as more federal and local governments, healthcare systems, and cultural institutions are increasing their arts and wellness programming.

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month 2024
This Hispanic Heritage Month, we are sharing the art and experiences of six inspiring Latina/o/xs art therapists by profiling the work they do in support of their clients and communities they serve. Please take a moment to check out their Feature Member profiles and share on social media.

AATA2024 Annual Conference FAQs
Got questions about coming to AATA2024? Here are some questions from AATA members and the answers.

2024 Call for Nominations for AATA’s Board
The Call for Nominations is officially open for five positions on AATA’s Board of Directors and on Nominations Committee Member! Nominate yourself or a qualified candidate by October 16!