Featured Member: Ric Ávila
The use of the arts as a vehicle to foment peace and wellness in therapeutic work is my primary goal as an art therapist and as an artist. I have been involved internationally with different universities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and cultural organizations. I am dedicated to helping people and communities, especially people affected by oppression, inequality and marginalization, with particular interest in mental health, PTSD, ADD, OCD and Substance Use disorders.
Introducing the AATA2023 Night on the Town!
AATA2023 attendees will have the opportunity to visit Fallen Star at the Stuart Collection at UCSD the evening of Friday, Oct. 27, 7 – 9 pm, as part of the Night on the Town event.

AATA2023 Questions Answered!
Got questions about coming to AATA2023? Here are some questions from AATA members and the answers.
Giving Unicorns Wings, with Mike Fogel — CE Event, 9/23
Join us for a Continuing Education event on Sept. 23 with Mike Fogel: Giving Unicorns Wings: Creating Ideal Treatment Conditions and Interventions for Neurodiverse Children, Adolescents, and Adults (with autism, ADHD, and learning differences).

Art Therapy Journal Receives an Impact Factor of 1.3
Sept. 2, 2023 | Jordan Potash, Editor-in-Chief, Art Therapy Journal
The Art Therapy Journal has been recognized with an impact factor of 1.3. Clarviate bestows this metric on journals that meet certain benchmarks of scholarship by calculating how frequently items from a particular journal are cited over a two-year period.

We Asked Board Members about their Favorite Conference Memories
Our volunteer Board Members not only play a pivotal role in planning the annual conference, but they love attending! So we asked them what makes AATA conferences so special. We’re sharing some of their answers with you.

Two Additional Art Therapy Programs Receive CAAHEP Initial Accreditation
The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) awarded initial accreditation to the Art Therapy master’s programs at the Dominican University of California in San Rafael, California, and Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York.

Join Us for an In-Person Shared Interest Group Meeting (or Two!)
Shared Interest Groups, or SIGs, were created to help art therapists find community at conference – and year-round through the MyAATA Member Community. SIGs are led by AATA members to create connection and a space for art therapists to support each other. Please join a SIG according to your interests and based on how you personally identify. Register for AATA2024.

Resources to Support Maui After the Devastating Fires
We’ve reached out to our AATA members in Hawaii, as well as non-members who we have a relationship with. Their experiences, along with so many others, have been harrowing, and our hearts go our to the many families, communities, and businesses impacted by these fires. Despite everything they are going through, a few art therapists took the time to put together a list of ways the art therapy community can help. We hope you will consider donating to any one of these organizations.

Sessions at AATA2023: Theory & Assessment (TA)
AATA2023 Conference Sessions: Theory & Assessment (TA).
Sessions that present studies in art therapy assessments, current research, and theoretical models which should be presented by experienced researchers.