The conference is organized into nine main subject tracks to help participants find areas of interest. During the proposal submission process, each proposal submitter selected one category to best describe their session. AATA uses these categories for the final Program Guide.
Contemporary Issues/Current Trends
Sessions that present information in Activism (AC), Grief/Mourning (GM), Autism (AU), Professional Practice (PP), Trauma (TR), and Ethics (ET).
Track | Course Code | Title | Presenters | Type | Date | Time |
Activism | AC9 | Art Therapy for Cognitive Development and Emotion expression in the Deaf Community | Kristina Diaz | Paper | 10/7 | 11:00 am |
Activism | AC51 | Towards Generativity: Collective Musings on the Developmental Trajectory of Art Therapy | David Gussak, Michael A. Franklin, Girija Kaimal, Susan Anand | Panel | 10/7 | 2:15 pm |
Activism | AC90 | The Emancipatory Stance: Collaborative Partnerships for “Troubling” Art Therapy Practice | Lynn Kapitan, Holly Feen-Calligan | Paper | 10/7 | 3:00 pm |
Activism | AC170 | Responding to a Public Health Crisis through Collaborative Community Arts | Eileen Douglas, Khadijah O Miller | Paper | 10/8 | 2:00 pm |
Activism | AC15 | How Art Influenced A Future Art Therapist with High ACE’s | Brittany Kihl | Paper | 10/8 | 3:00 pm |
Activism | AC125 | Science-Informed Art: Engaging Communities in Hot Topics | Ann Collier, John Tannous | Paper | 10/9 | 3:00 pm |
Track | Course Code | Title | Presenters | Type | Date | Time |
Grief/Mourning | CM14 | Grief Belief: Unmasking Disenfranchisement and Bias in Grief Work | Alicia Seymour | Workshop | 10/7 | 2:15 pm |
Grief/Mourning | GM159 | Remembering Her: Using the Digital Third Hand for Prolonged Grief | Bethany Altschwager | Paper | 10/8 | 2:00 pm |
Grief/Mourning | CM136 | The Effect of Art Therapy Group on Women Experiencing Fertility Obstacles | Sandy Mildenberg | Poster | 10/8 | 4:00 pm |
Grief/Mourning | GM201 | Anticipatory Grief: Art-based Applications With Children, Teens, And Families | Kaitlyn Paton, Jennifer Dykeman | Workshop | 10/8 | 4:00 pm |
Grief/Mourning | GM153 | Survivors Grieving Military Loss: Continuing the Bonds Through Art Making | Jennifer Baldwin, Jenna Michalik Preston | Paper | 10/9 | 11:00 am |
Track | Course Code | Title | Presenters | Type | Date | Time |
Track | Course Code | Title | Presenters | Type | Date | Time |
Professional Practice | PP49 | Guided Imagery And The Spectrum Of Consciousness | Laura Zeisler | Workshop | 10/7 | 10:50 am |
Professional Practice | PP184 | A Meditation on Materials Usage and Waste in Art Therapy | Alice Ripberger, Anna Pruitt, Kimberley Thompson, Kathryn Welter, Jayashree George, Shelly Goebl-Parker | Paper | 10/7 | 11:00 am |
Professional Practice | PP200 | Bridges to Finding Meaning Through Art Therapy | Elizabeth Hlavek | Paper | 10/7 | 12:00 pm |
Professional Practice | PP103 | A Tribute to Judy Rubin – Pittsburgh’s Champion of Art Therapy | Marie de Bethune, Zachary D. Van Den Berg | Video | 10/7 | 2:00 pm |
Professional Practice | PP94 | Creating Impactful Change: Exploring Social Entrepreneurship in Art Therapy | Elisabeth Baird, Jennifer DeLucia | Paper | 10/7 | 2:00 pm |
Professional Practice | PP182 | Imagination and Willpower: Art Therapist Superpowers | Jordan Potash | Paper | 10/7 | 3:00 pm |
Professional Practice | PP13 | What’s On My Mind? A Mindful Doodle-Based Art Therapy Wellness Workshop | Patricia Isis | Workshop | 10/7 | 4:00 pm |
Professional Practice | PP71 | Bridging Art Therapy into Museums Through Creative Problem-Solving, Policy, and Social Prescription | Kathryn Snyder, Minette Hand, Rachel Robbins | Panel | 10/7 | 4:00 pm |
Professional Practice | PP118 | Essentials for Successfully & Ethically Running Your Practice | Rachel Brandoff, Reina Lombardi | Paper | 10/7 | 4:00 pm |
Professional Practice | PP22 | Check-In/ Check-Out: Trauma Informed Boundaries Within Art Therapy Sessions | Sarah Tedrick | Workshop | 10/8 | 10:50 am |
Professional Practice | PP39 | Healing from Relationship Abuse: The Empowerment Wheel Model in Art Therapy | Rachel Brandoff | Workshop | 10/8 | 10:50 am |
Professional Practice | PP65 | Amplifying Resiliencies: A Multi-Layered Collage Experiential for Stress Management | Rebecca Miller, Monica Brown | Workshop | 10/8 | 2:15 pm |
Professional Practice | PP37 | What’s on my mind? Expanded Mindful Doodling Research from USA to Australia | Patricia Isis | Paper | 10/8 | 3:00 pm |
Professional Practice | PP239 | Climate Anxiety and Environmentally Aware Adaptations Within Art Therapy Practice | Clara Corn, Kennedy Haven | Paper | 10/8 | 3:00 pm |
Professional Practice | PP110 | Building Habits of Gratitude: Art Therapy Interventions Informed by Positive Psychology | Gaelynn Wolf Bordonaro, Laura Cherry, Julie Ludwick, Lisa Hassler Thomas | Workshop | 10/8 | 4:00 pm |
Professional Practice | PP181 | Career Focused Bridge Drawings: Conceptualizing Desired Work Life Roles | Barbara Parker-Bell, Kristina Smatrakaleva | Workshop | 10/9 | 10:50 am |
Professional Practice | PP17 | Collaborative Art Practices in Group Art Therapy | Heather Denning, Katherine Jackson | Paper | 10/9 | 11:00 am |
Professional Practice | PP222 | Strength-Based Art Therapy: Addressing ADHD & Executive Functioning Deficits Across the Lifespan | Christine Creighton | Paper | 10/9 | 12:00 pm |
Professional Practice | PP164 | Training to Practice: Navigating Challenges of Professional Identity in Art Therapy | Lim Cheng Hong, Ronald Lay | Paper | 10/9 | 12:00 pm |
Track | Course Code | Title | Presenters | Type | Date | Time |
Trauma | TR147 | From Pulp To Empowerment: Papermaking With Survivors Of Sexual Violence | Tsz Yan (Winnie) Wong | Paper | 10/7 | 12:00 pm |
Trauma | TR235 | A Neuroscience-informed Art Therapy Toolkit for the Treatment of Trauma | Juliet King | Paper | 10/7 | 2:00 pm |
Trauma | TR97 | Restoring Hope, Health, and Resilience Through the Creative Arts Practice | Lisa Kay, Kathryn Snyder, Veronica Hicks, Rebecca Miller | Panel | 10/7 | 2:15 pm |
Trauma | TR237 | Healing Through Connection: Integrating Imago Relational Therapy and Art Therapy | Ursula Messina | Panel | 10/7 | 3:00 pm |
Trauma | TR189 | On the Verge of War: Generational Trauma and Humanitarian Crisis in Lebanon | Heidi Bardot | Paper | 10/8 | 12:00 pm |
Trauma | TR62 | Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue, and Burnout: The Impact on the Clinician | Jennifer Herbert, Hilda Aceves | Workshop | 10/8 | 2:15 pm |
Trauma | TR83 | Building Bridges of Healing: Art Therapy Informed Crisis Care in Ukraine | Barbara Parker-Bell, Courtney Robson, Polina Berezyuk, Maria Boiko, Oro Whitley | Panel | 10/8 | 2:15 pm |
Trauma | TR 122 | Reconnecting with Self: Using Art Therapy with Acquired Injury and Illness | Julie Moreno | Paper | 10/8 | 3:00 pm |
Trauma | TR232 | Bridge of Reciprocity: Make One Take One response to Community Traumas | Delaine Due | Workshop | 10/9 | 2:15 pm |
Trauma | TR233 | Trauma and Artistic Resilience | Simone Alter-Muri | Paper | 10/9 | 3:00 pm |
Trauma | TR45 | Integrating Polyvagal Theory into Art Therapy and Counseling | Areka Foster, Katherine Jackson, Fawn Gordan | Paper | 10/9 | 3:00 pm |
Trauma | TR32 | Psychedelics and Art Therapy: Building a Bridge Between Two Worlds | Rebecca Wilkinson, Charmaine Husum, Amelia Laver | Paper | 10/9 | 4:00 pm |
Track | Course Code | Title | Presenters | Type | Date | Time |
Ethics | ET124 | Appreciation or Appropriation? Interrogating Art Therapy Interventions | Jane Woo, Miki Goerdt | Paper | 10/7 | 12:00 pm |
Ethics | ET142 | Fragmentation: A journey through ones personal and professional development with trauma-grief. | DeLora Putnam-Bryant, Christine Creighton | Workshop | 10/8 | 2:15 pm |
Ethics | ET57 | A Descriptive Summary of Field Placement in Undergraduate Art Therapy Education | Ashley Hartman, Heather Denning, Jennifer Schwartz, Meera Rastogi, Cathy Goucher | Panel | 10/9 | 2:15 pm |