March 5, 2024
ACATE Council Positions Open July 1 for 2 Educators and 1 Practitioner
The Accreditation Council for Art Therapy Education (ACATE) is currently seeking applications and nominations for two Educator and one Practitioner positions that will become open on July 1, 2024.

Please consider applying or nominating someone whom you believe will work tirelessly to promote best practices for art therapy educational programs, help ACATE implement the newly revised art therapy standards, and create and improve processes for accredited programs to pursue continuing accreditation. Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to art therapy education, knowledge of contemporary art therapy and allied health practice, and sensitivity to the needs of art therapy students and consumers. Sitting ACATE members will review all applications and select individuals who best meet criteria and who reflect the diverse communities of interest in art therapy.
- ACATE members serve rotating three-year terms, with no member serving longer than two consecutive terms. Applications and nominations are welcomed AATA members, AATA state or regional chapters, accredited art therapy programs, art therapy professionals, and employers and consumers of art therapy services. ACATE members may not concurrently serve on the AATA Board of Directors or the AATA Education Committee nor be a Chair or Regional Representative of the AATA Governmental Affairs Committee. Council members must not be currently enrolled in or a recent graduate of a master’s or doctorate art therapy program.
Required Qualifications and Professional Experience
Candidates must hold the credential ATR-BC and possess knowledge of, experience with, and/or willingness to learn about the higher education accreditation process, e.g., experience with other accrediting, licensure, or certification bodies.
- Educator Member: May be either a full time, part time, or adjunct faculty member currently teaching in an art therapy program and who has experience in curriculum design and program assessment.
- Practitioner Member: May be either a provider of art therapy or a supervisor of practitioners and who can highlight the needs of consumers of art therapy services and graduates under supervision.
Preferred Qualifications
Candidates should possess the following qualities:
- Interest in the Art Therapy profession, ACATE/CAAHEP, and the accreditation process
- Willingness to work hard and ability to follow through with short-term and long-term tasks
- Agreement to attend and actively participate in all Council activities (The Council meets online monthly and in person annually in the fall in conjunction with the AATA conference)
- Ability to work as part of a team, build consensus, and participate in healthy group discussions and processes
- Recognition of the importance of and commitment to diversity and inclusiveness
- Awareness of and willingness to avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest
Roles and Time Commitment
ACATE is a working committee whose members agree to commit to an average time commitment of five (5) to ten (10) hours per month. Each member is expected to play an active role in the governance of the organization and the review of art therapy programs.
For consideration to serve on ACATE, please submit:
- A Statement of Interest in serving on ACATE. Please be detailed as to why you wish to serve on the council
- Current Curriculum Vitae or Resume
- Contact Information (phone and email) for two references willing to be contacted
The terms of these positions begin July 1, 2024. Applications will be accepted until April 1, 2024 or until the positions are filled.
For more information or to submit materials contact: Eliza Homer, PhD, ATR-BC, LCPC, NCC, Chair, Accreditation Council for Art Therapy Education, at