September 5, 2024

Share your Artwork in the 2024 Member Art Exhibition

Submission Deadline Sept. 27, 2024

As an AATA member, you have the unique opportunity to display your artwork in the 2024 Member Art Slideshow Exhibition!

The slideshow exhibition will be viewable at AATA2024 in Pittsburgh prior to the Plenary Sessions and on continuous rotation on monitors outside the ballroom and session rooms throughout the conference. Artwork will also be used during the Virtual Conference (Oct. 26 – 27) and throughout the year during AATA virtual meetings. 


Take a look at the 2023 Member Art Exhibition


Please submit images for the slideshow by Sept. 27, 2024 to Work in any media must be the artist’s own original concept, design, and execution. Images related to the theme of the conference will have priority for selection. This year’s theme is Building Bridges.

Student members — don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to let your creativity shine!

Local chapters of AATA are also encouraged to submit artwork. Before submitting, be sure to inform any contributing artists that the artwork will be publicly displayed at conference!

Type of Work Accepted

Work in any media must be the artist’s own original concept, design, and execution. Images related to the theme of the conference will have priority for selection. This year’s theme is Building Bridges.

The American Art Therapy Association and Conference Committee reserve the right to select and/or reject any image submitted. No exceptions.

Entry Procedure

Please submit digital images for the slideshow by Sept. 27, 2024 to

What to include:

  • Submit art in the form of digital image file (at least 75K but no larger than 1.5 MB in size).
  • You may submit 1-3 images. No more than 3.
  • Please make sure to clearly identify each image with its corresponding title, media, dimensions and your name/s (as it will be displayed).
  • Please include your phone number (for administrative use, only).
  • In the subject line of your e-mail, it should read: “Member Art Exhibit Exhibit — (Your Name).”

NOTE: Images WILL become part of the viewing cycle UNLESS you receive an e-mail or phone call indicating that modifications need to be made before acceptance or denial of the entry into the exhibit. If your e-mail bounces back to you, please re-check your image sizes, and make sure they are within the above guidelines. If the e-mail is still bounced back to your e-mail box, please send a separate e-mail without your attachment, and we will troubleshoot how to get your images into the slideshow.

AGREEMENT: Submission of digital images of your work indicates acceptance of the following conditions: The digital images will be used throughout the in-person and virtual conferences. They cannot be removed from the viewing cycle once they have been submitted and accepted. After the conference, all images will be kept with the American Art Therapy Association for possible use on their website and virtual meeting slides. Images may also be given to the editor of Art Therapy: The Journal of the American Art Therapy Association. Artists will be notified if an image is being considered for publication in the

Please feel free to e-mail with any questions you might have about the slideshow. We look forward to seeing your submissions!


Take a look at the 2022 Member Art Exhibition
