How to Participate
Submissions for the Healing Quilt will be collected using a service called EntryThingy. All submissions must be digital JPG format. Size of individual submissions are to be 12″ square plus a 1/2″ bleed on all sides. With the appropriate bleed area, finished submissions would be 13″ x 13.”
Your entry may not show up immediately in the gallery – please allow up to 48 hours for your entry to appear.
There are no fees for submitting an entry, but please consider donating to support the Pearlie Roberson Annual Award, and other projects directed by the AATA Multicultural Committee.
For assistance or further information, please contact info@arttherapy.org or 888-290-0878.
Freedom of artistic expression is the foundation of our work and our profession. The works submitted for The Healing Quilt Project may awe, illuminate, challenge, unsettle, confound, provoke, and, at times, offend. We defend the freedom to create content and exhibit such work. We recognize and honor everyone.
To exhibit a work of art is not to endorse the work or the vision, ideas, and opinions of the artist. It is to uphold the right of all to experience diverse visions and views. If, and when, controversies arise from the exhibition of a work of art, we welcome public discussion and debate with the belief that such discussion is integral to the experience of the art.
Consistent with our fundamental commitment to freedom of expression, however, we do encourage all who submit to consider the positive intentions of this project to support and heal ourselves and our communities.