Art Therapy is Particularly Effective in Times of Crisis

Art Therapy is Particularly Effective in Times of Crisis

September 24, 2020    Art therapy is a mental health profession that enriches the lives of individuals, families, and communities through active art-making, creative process, applied psychological theory, and human experience within a psychotherapeutic...
Leading with Intention to Promote Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Leading with Intention to Promote Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

September 8, 2020 | Margaret Carlock-Russo, EdD, LCAT, ATR-BC, ATCS, AATA President   After July’s virtual member meeting, members told us they wanted to learn more about AATA’s next steps in promoting diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I)—and hear more from...
Muddling My Way Through the Pandemic: A Visual Journal

Muddling My Way Through the Pandemic: A Visual Journal

September 3, 2020 | By Mindy Jacobson-Levy, MCAT, ATR-BC, LPC, HLM DVATA   I have been an altered book, mixed media artist for almost a decade. My experimentation with this process began after taking a workshop at a local art therapy conference. I found book text...
Art Therapy Legislation 101 Learning Module

Art Therapy Legislation 101 Learning Module

August 25, 2020 | By Ashley Skelly, ATR, LPCC-S   As an art therapist or art therapy supporter, you are often asked to take action to contact state government legislators/leaders. Politics can be confusing to navigate, and the prospect of contacting...
Mental Health Policy Implications during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Mental Health Policy Implications during the Coronavirus Pandemic

August 24, 2020    Art therapists, as mental health professionals, are frontline “essential workers” during the Coronavirus pandemic, according to the American Art Therapy Association’s online Coronavirus pandemic survey. Half (53.1%) of art therapists reported...