Mississippi Art Therapists Successfully Organized to Defeat Bill to Repeal Art Therapy and Other Licenses
March 11, 2021
The American Art Therapy Association is pleased to announce that Mississippi House Bill 1315, which would have repealed the license for art therapists as well as several other occupations, died in committee on March 2nd, 2021.

2021 Art Therapy Licensing Bill Updates in Tennessee, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania
March 11, 2021
As state legislatures continue to focus on responding to the coronavirus pandemic, several art therapy licensing bills are advancing as a way to address the mental health crisis that has accompanied the virus. Read on for updates on legislation in Tennessee, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania in the 2021 legislative sessions!

Announcing AATA’s Collaboration with the Atlanta University Center Art History + Curatorial Studies Collective
March 9, 2021
The American Art Therapy Association (AATA) is proud to collaborate with the Atlanta University Center Art History + Curatorial Studies Collective (AUC Art Collective) to raise awareness about art therapy! Working with Spelman College and the Morehouse School of Medicine, the AUC Art Collective’s goal is to introduce the Atlanta University Center community to the art therapy profession over the course of the Spring 2021 semester.

AATA Sends Letter to Biden Administration Outlining Mental Health Priorities
February 11, 2021
This week, AATA sent a letter to President Joe Biden outlining our mental health priorities. In it, we also urged President Biden to address mental health issues as part of his plans to combat the Coronavirus pandemic.

Dept. of Education Art Therapy Project Grants FAQ
February 11, 2021
We want to share with you a recent notice by the Department of Education’s Office of Elementary and Secondary Education inviting applications for new awards for FY 2021 for the Assistance for Arts Education (AAE) Program. The agency identifies Art Therapy as a program priority—so we encourage you and your colleagues to consider applying. This is an excellent opportunity to support the work of art therapists making an impact every day in our schools!

Am I Well Rested? My Reflections on the 7 Types of Rest
January 28, 2021 | Bani Malhotra
When my Doctoral Advisor Dr. Girija Kaimal, posed the simple question, “Are you well rested?” during a meeting after the holidays to discuss an online research project started during the pandemic, I hesitantly responded, “I guess?” and asked myself in my head, “Am I really?” I realized that I was prepared to discuss a recent virtual interview that I had conducted and the tasks that I was supposed to complete, but I felt totally thrown off when she was also interested in my personal care.

Feeling Stressed about the Capitol Attacks? Here are some Tools to Help Cope from a Trauma Art Therapist
January 13, 2021 | Raquel Farrell-Kirk
I kept the television off and focused on my day at home with my ten year old son. At first, I easily ignored the texts updates I was receiving from friends about the rally in Washington DC, but as the situation escalated into an attack on the Capitol building, I could ignore the news no more. After a few frustrating minutes pressing buttons, I enlisted my son’s help to turn on the television and watched the violence unfold on my television screen.

Featured Member: Deborah Good, PhD, ATR-BC, ATCS, LPAT, LPCC, 2020 Honorary Life Member
December 17, 2020
During AATA’s first virtual Awards Ceremony, Deborah A. Good, PhD, ATR-BC, ATCS, LPAT, LPCC was presented with the 2020 Honorary Lifetime Member (HLM) Award, the highest distinction of the AATA. We asked Dr. Good to answer some questions about her career, insights on the profession today, and vision for the future.

5 Tips from an Art Therapist to Get You through Holiday Gloom
December 16, 2020 | Nadia Paredes
I was born and raised in Mexico, in a very loving (I would even dare say enmeshed) typical Catholic Latino family. My grandfather had died close to Christmas, so my father always tried his best to erase that feeling of loss and live the ideals of what he called “the American Christmas.”

My Perspectives as a BIPOC Art Therapist
December 3, 2020 | Miki Goerdt
As a first-time facilitator of a networking event, I experienced some difficulties, which I took personally at first, telling myself that I was not experienced enough to lead it. Several days later, after processing my experience with colleagues, I realized that my difficulties were systemic rather than something attached to myself or any participants of the event. They were related to the racial dynamics of the American society and within our profession.