March 19, 2021


AATA’s new 2021 Member Demographics Report is now available online!

The American Art Therapy Association (AATA) collects information about our members and the art therapy profession in order to respond to their needs through our programs and services. This information also gives us a way to measure the effectiveness and success of our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts. As our membership becomes more diverse in age, race, backgrounds, and more, it is critical that our programs and services respond to their needs at every stage of their careers. Our goal is to recruit more people into the profession that reflect the communities art therapists serve, and also to retain them as members and as part of the field. In addition, we use demographic data to answer media inquiries, accurately describe key employment issues, and to track emerging trends and changes in the profession over time. 

This report is intended to be a current, shareable snapshot of the AATA membership community and contains information collected through February 9, 2021. Data collection in 2020-2021 occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, which may affect results particularly in employment data. The AATA’s “Art Therapy During A Mental Health Crisis: Coronavirus Pandemic Impact Report” provides additional detail about how art therapists were impacted.



