About AATA’s Art Therapy Bibliographic Search Tool
AATA’s Art Therapy Bibliographic Search Tool allows you to find listings of art therapy publications and theses from FOUR research sources: the Art Therapy Outcomes Bibliography, the Art Therapy Assessment Bibliography, the Multicultural Committee Selected Bibliography and Resource List, and the National Art Therapy Thesis and Dissertation Abstract Compilation.
What is it?
The Art Therapy Bibliographic Search Tool enables you to search bibliographic entries based on one or all of the following characteristics: author name, category/treatment group, keywords, title, reference type, and year of publication.
All users will be able to see basic bibliographic information such as authors, category/treatment group, title, page numbers, publication, reference type, volume, and year. AATA members will also have exclusive access to more detailed information, such as abstract, comments, DOI, method, topic, and more!
The references listed under the Bibliographic Search Tool are updated continually. Please direct any corrections to info@arttherapy.org.
How to Access
Click the button below and log in with your MyAATA credentials. Once you have been redirected to your profile page, click the purple button on the right that reads Bibliographic Search Tool.
Click the button below for basic access to the Bibliographic Search Tool. Please note that only AATA members can View Details of each listing. If you want to learn more about AATA membership, click here.
How To Search
Once you’ve accessed the Bibliographic Search Tool, you will see a series of search fields.

Use the search fields, or use the dropdown fields, to narrow your search results. Searches that are too broad may return too many search results.

You can also choose how you would like to sort your list of results using the “Sort List By” box.

Once you click “Search,” your page will update to show a list of resources.

If you are an AATA member, you can click the “View Details” button to learn more about each resource!