Art Therapist Locator

Art therapists are healthcare professionals who provide necessary health services to a growing number of people receiving care in a variety of health care settings and through private practice.


An art therapist holds a master’s degree or above in art therapy and/or a related health field. They work in hospitals, clinics, K-12 schools, educational institutions, community programs and other settings to help people address health and well-being. Search our locator to find an art therapist near you!

International listings are also located and searchable on the map. If you are unable to find an art therapist through this locator, please contact your local chapter of the American Art Therapy Association. Art Therapy credentials should be verified through the Art Therapy Credentials Board.

Unauthorized use of the information contained in the Art Therapy Locator is strictly prohibited. This includes using the information for marketing promotions, mailing lists, survey participants, advertisements, and so forth. By using this site I hereby agree to the terms of the AATA Privacy Policy and the DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY.

Credentialed Professional, Professional, New Professional, and International Professional AATA Members are eligible to be listed on the Art Therapist Locator as part of their membership. Complete the form on MyAATA to have your information updated.

Want to be Listed?



You are 18 years or older.

You confirm that you have written your submission yourself.

You give AATA permission to use your submission or any portion of it for current or future AATA fundraising, advocacy, or media outreach projects, including possibly sharing your words with a variety of audiences, media, or publications.

If we decide to share your story, your statements will appear along with your first name, the first letter of your last name, your city, and your state. If we want to share additional information we will contact you.

You give AATA permission to contact you for further authorization or if we have any questions about your submission or this authorization.

In sharing your story, please keep in mind that your story — including your name if you provide it — may appear in public advocacy projects. Even if you do not provide your name, keep in mind that some information can reveal who you are, such as unusual details about you or others.

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