July 12, 2018  | By Gioia Chilton, PhD, ATR-BC, LCPAT, CSAC, Nominating Committee Chair

The Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the 2018 election slate for leadership positions for the American Art Therapy Association. The AATA Board of Directors and the Nominating Committee extend their collective gratitude to the individuals represented on this year’s ballot for their willingness to serve the Association. In support of AATA’s mission and critical strategic priorities, the Board and the Nominating Committee remain committed to increasing diverse representation across all volunteer positions. All individuals nominated for a volunteer position have been asked to run for this election. Please login to MyAATA for a full list of this year’s candidates, their biographies, and their responses to questions posed by the Nominating Committee as well as the full volunteer position descriptions. The candidates are listed alphabetically below the position for which they are applying.

Online voting for the 2018 annual election commences August 1 and runs through Aug 31. All voting members will receive a notice with instructions via e-mail to cast their vote. For those members who request paper ballots, or who do not have e-mail, you will receive a ballot in the mail.

Thank you for voting to sculpt the leadership of the American Art Therapy Association!

Please Note: In order to maintain the integrity of the personal views relayed by the candidates in their responses to the questions, the content of their responses to the questions posed by the Nominating Committee has not been edited.


