June 2024


This Pride Month, we are honored to highlight the perspectives of our members, and the work they do to support their clients and the LGBTQ+ community. Please take a moment to read their profiles and share with your friends and networks.

Also check out these Pride Month resources in support of the LGBTQ+ community.


Read AATA Board Member Michael Galarraga’s full Feature Member profile and his blog post, Creating an Inclusive and Equitable Space for LGBTQIA+ Clients.


Read AATA Member Dan Anthon’s full Feature Member profile.


Read AATA Member Be Staub’s full Feature Member profile.
Then watch Be as a Panelist in Understanding Intimate Partner Violence: A Queer Perspective, available in AATA’s Online Learning Academy.


Read AATA Member Nick Denson’s full Feature Member profile.


Read AATA Member Magdalena Karlick’s full Feature Member profile.
Then join her for a Continuing Education event on August 27, Belonging is Being Seen: Pride, Community, and Trauma. Attendees may earn 2 CE credits. The event is FREE to AATA Student Members!


Read AATA Member Jess Minckley’s full Feature Member profile.
